Sunday, February 19, 2017

Lupus and Being the Ostrich

I had been doing so well. Effective medications, exercise, reducing stress, and eating a healthier diet had allowed me to live almost normally for several months and I was thinking this might be my "new normal," that maybe remission was within my reach. I try to be hopeful and positive. There is this balancing point between being trying to stay informed and trying to stay healthy. I've not been balancing very well lately and now I am being the ostrich. I have had to stick my proverbial head in the sand and partake in "avoidance measures".  

I find myself in a strange place, trying to stay informed v's trying to stay healthy. Whatever side of the political spectrum you may be, the time leading up to the election as well as the current situation in our country has been polarizing for most of us, especially in Social Media realm. I have stepped away form Social Media, giving myself a break from the vitriolic political arguments, and the lack of respect, civility, and compassion. I find that it is a waste of energy that I just don't have to give. I have much less nagging stresses now. So I have given it up for now and I find it a relief. I do miss some of the real postings of family's and friend's lives, and perhaps when I have a better handle on my health, I may try again. I have also limited my exposure to the news outlets, which for someone who is usually up to date on current events, it feels weird. 

Healthcare changes and the uncertain future of my personal well being. For those of us with chronic or pre-existing conditions, the potential changes of the repeal/replace of the Affordable Care Act are adding to the worry and stress. I know for me, I have already had to take a job for less money and less hours to try to stay working and stay healthy. The changes in health care could leave me without health care at all, or with such expensive health care that I would be working only to cover the cost of insurance. I also worry about my loved ones who have had cancer, like my sister Kathleen, and what these changes might do to them and their security. I also work in the health care industry, which means things will change there to accommodate the new laws, and less reimbursement from medicare and medicaid, makes my work life uncertain. These worries are added stress to an already compromised immune system. My immune system doesn't like it one bit.

On the positive side, I have a great husband who is caring and understanding. I have a passel of spoiled kitties who are highly entertaining. We have a good life here, even when I'm not at my healthiest. Looking forward, we are planning a big trip this year (it's going to be out 30th anniversary) and I will be using my Lupus travel techniques as best I can and hope we can take the trip without too much fall out. (I am buying the travel insurance.) 

I'm off to make another cup of tea and snuggle with a cat or two.