Saturday, August 16, 2014

Facing Fifty - Life is Good

I just came to the realization that this time next month I will be 50 years old. I'm actually ok with that. I have come to love myself so much more than I did when I was, say, 25. I feel more confident than I did at half my age. I make more decisions based on compassion rather than personal gain. I know how to forgive now. I have come to love my beauty as well as my blemishes, because all those things have made me what I am now. I have a husband, dad, sisters, brothers, cousins, family both natrual and aquired, friends, and kitties, who love me and provide me with the filling to the nasty gaps that I have within myself, to make me a whole entity. I love my grey streak in my hair. I love my voice, the one that speaks out even when it shakes. I love my eyes that see the ones I love and recognizes them. I love my laugh lines, because it's proof that I laugh a lot. I have a body that still works, mostly. Some don't. I could do without the cellulite but ya know, its a small thing compared to the things that bring me joy EVERYDAY. The losses in my life have been filled in the most unexpected and magical ways, and I'm thankful that I was open to the magic when it came. I love. I love a lot. 50 years of love... and I am very ok with that. Thank you for your part of my 50 years. I couldn't have gotten here without you. 

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