Thursday, October 22, 2015


I've been off line for a while and a lot has happened. Firstly, someone broke in to our house and stole my laptop, among other things. Which has kept me from a comfortable way to post entries here.  So, now my computer has been replaced and I'm back to talk some more about my Lupus adventures, for those of you who are interested.  

In July, after camping at a festival that my husband and I volunteer at, I came down with a rather bazaar affliction.  My right parotid gland swelled to the size of a golf ball.  It wasn't painful, but just uncomfortable.  Because it was weird, I freaked out a little and went through the Urgent Care, Antibiotics, Primary Care, CT Scan, Chest X-Ray, Rheumatologist  ENT, Biopsy, Second Biopsy, Surgery Suggestion, and the "Gee I don't Know", merry-go-round. It has yet to be determined if it is Lupus related or some other random thing. 

The swollen gland, I have named Fernando. Fernando sounds much less scary than "potentially cancerous" or "abnormal growth". So Fernando and I have been seeing quite a lot of each other. We've been constant companions since July and to be honest, I think its time we start seeing other people. Fernando is a clingy pain in the neck. He causes a lot of drama and seems to make everyone dislike him. No one has any idea why this is happening or what it is exactly. The ENT was very concerned that my biopsy came back with a extremely high inflammation levels. But I have Lupus, that's pretty much how I roll these days, I am in constant inflammation. However, either the ENT doesn't get Lupus, or he just really doesn't like Fernando. He wanted to cut Fernando from my life for ever. It seemed pretty drastic, especially because there is a chance it could leave the right side of my face paralyzed for life. Not to mention, the chance of cascading Lupus reactions to both the anesthetic as well as the surgical trauma, which can be life threatening at worst, and long and painful at best. I have told the ENT I'm not ready for surgery until there is something more definitive to go on. I don't think he's happy about that. I have agreed to come back for an ultra sound in 6 months to be sure Fernando has not morphed into something more scary.  

In the meantime, I've been seeing less and less of Fernando, he is half the lump he was.

Me and Fernando

I have included my diary entries for your amusement. Enjoy.

July 12th
Have a swollen gland on my neck, couldn’t seem my regular doctor so I went to Urgent Care.  Antibiotics, they don’t think its Lupus related.

August 4th
My lymph gland is still enlarged. In fact, it is so large and persistent, I have named him Fernando. Fernando and I have had a relationship for some time now. However, he is clingy, and a bit of a pain. I think we should see other people.

August 6th
So after introducing Fernando to my Doctor, She wanted him to meet the phlebotomist, the X-ray tech and the CT operator. Nobody likes him. They asked a lot of questions and have determined that his sign is NOT Cancer. I'm more into Scorpios anyway. Looks like he needs to meet a few others, like an ENT who specializes in Fernandos. He's gonna be around for a bit longer, but it looks like a break up is inevitable.

August 26th
Fernando and I met with a couples counselor (ENT) yesterday, we have determined Fernando is not who we thought. He is not a lymph gland. ENT think’s he is a cyst in the bottom of a salivary gland. To determine Fernando's true nature we will be exploring his emotional depths via a needle biopsy in the near future. While I'm hoping that Fernando and I can come to terms with our partnership, I feel a break up is eminent.

September 4th
At the ENT. Fernando is about to have a poke with something pointy. He's a little nervous.

September 11th.
The Fernando Update! Well, the results are back and Fernando is not deadly, not potentially fatal, not even suspicious. He's apparently a chronic inflammation, which is really just a chronic pain in the neck. I can live with that. I'm seeing less and less of him as this relationship comes to a close. I'll get the final verdict from the ENT soon, but it sounds like he's just a Lupus thing, or a Lupus like thing. Poor Fernando is fading away, like most superficial relationships. I'm going to let him go and try to find happiness with someone else.

September 22nd
More Fernando Drama. ENT Thinks Fernando is potentially dangerous.
Fernando and I have a date at Rogue Regional Hospital this afternoon for a second biopsy. Going to try and see what he's made of.

October 6th
The second pathology report is back and Fernando really is a benign being as far as anyone can tell. He is fading everyday and I have decided to let him be for now and check in with him in 6 months to see if he has changed his ways. Good news. But I'm not trusting him, I'm making sure he's going to behave in the future. I'm gonna check up on him...the trouble maker! I'm hopeful that Fernando is on his way out of my life for good. 

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