Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stepping Back and Moving Forward

Winter is almost behind me and spring is just around the bend. Election season is in full swing and I find myself feeling anxious about things, and other peoples inappropriate actions or unkindnesses, that I have very little direct control over. So I have elected to step back a bit and focus on those things I can change.

I have been on social media for quite a long time and have recently stepped back from the drama. I have been working on getting my health in order, trying new medications, working on my home life to make it less stressful, trying to be more physically active. As much as Lupus will let me, anyhow. It's been about a month since signing off social media and I find that stepping back has allowed me to stay more positive in general and much more positive about my health. I do miss some of the friendly connections on social media however, I am now trying to make it to more gatherings, pot lucks, etc., and to do more in my immediate community. My health is getting better and I feel like I am able to connect in real life more. It's been good.  

I am trying to add more of what makes me happy into my daily life. I am working in my art studio more, making prints, and costumes that are a joy to create. I'm also planning events that gather my people together for some fun. Coming up later in March, I have rented the local Grange building and with the help of my Dear Husband have arranged to have a disco ball, and a sound system that will play my Disco playlist for about 4 hours. The 70's Disco Dance Party is going to happen! I'm pretty excited and even if we don't have a full house, I think it will be a hoot. If we do get a good turn out, we will be doing it again in a few months but with a different theme and music. 

Getting a handle on my health is feeling really good. Full time work is beginning to look inviting to me again, and I have been sending out inquiries recently. It feels like my life is moving forward again, moving forward with baby steps, but moving forward nonetheless. Set backs will happen and illness will be a part of who I am now, but I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time. I feel less like hiding and more like taking part in my whole life.  
So things are good. Life is good. I am good.  

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