Monday, November 3, 2014

Yes, Halloween can be frightening....

Halloween can be frightening. Especially when there is the potential for Lupus flare.  But Hey, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this planning ahead thing....  

Here was one of the challenges, Halloween make up sucks! Yes, the standard over the counter stuff usually gives me hives all over my body; I'm just lucky that way.  I really didn't want to go through that again. Instead I tried a few tricks.  First I bought Ben Nye Super White face powder, theatrical make up. It's powder instead of a paste and I figured it wouldn't absorb into my skin as much as the other stuff.  It's also supposed to be hypoallergenic. I figured that might help. To be especially careful, I used my tried and true liquid make up first as a base layer to give a little something for the powder to stick to and also give me another layer of protection, just in case. It worked.  No hives, no crazy reaction, and no Lupus flare!....however I did get a big zit out of the deal.  But hey, I can live with that.

My dear husband and I went to Ashland, OR for the evening and got a hotel room for the night so we wouldn't be driving under the influence and I could rest if needed.  I rested the day before and took a little nap on Halloween afternoon, we met our friends for great dinner, put on our make up and finery and took a cab to the down town area (the cab saved me from being wiped out before the fun started). The sun had gone down so we walked the square and looked at the amazing costumes and happy revelers. We went to one of our favorite pubs for a pint, and met up with some more friends, found our way to another pub for another pint, listened to some great music, and even danced.  It was a really fun evening.  At midnight we left our friends, who were still partying, and called it a night and got a ride back to our hotel.  Used up all of our make up remover getting our faces clean and went to bed and slept like proverbial rocks.  We headed home the next morning, after a fantastic breakfast and a few tubs of coffee. Rested some more and got back into my normal routine. My dear husband said he had such a good time; he wants to do this again next year. Mission accomplished    

Here we are in our Halloween costumes.

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