Monday, October 27, 2014

Successful Outing with No Lupus Fall Out....I'm Learning.....

Successful Outing with No Lupus Fall Out....I'm Learning.....

I've been a bit of a hermit since I've been diagnosed.  I've been too concerned with Flare Avoidance and less with living my normal life.  I guess that's to be expected in the beginning so I'm going to cut myself some slack and say "That's OK, you had your hermit time, now it's time to figure out how to live your life".  Lupus is a weird disease.  It's different for every Lupus survivor, different triggers, different symptoms, and different levels of intensity of those symptoms, different treatments.  So each of us Lupies have to figure out what works best for ourselves. I'm still working on that and still learning. Learning about the disease as well as myself.  

So, this time of year in Southern Oregon, there is an event called Tap Walk. My Dear Husband is a homebrewer and this event is a big one for his homebrewer's club and I really wanted to go. It is an event that features 14 different brewery’s beers and tasty morsels that are paired with each brew. You are given a map and you stroll down the city streets with your beer glass from one local business to another, taste a beer, have a snack and then wonder to the next stop to try a different beer and snack.  You see the challenge?  It’s outside so there could be sun, it's not my normal food so there could be digestive backlash, and it's going to be several hours of walking so that could kick my butt for the next few days. We were also invited to a bon voyage dinner that night at a friends house who is moving to New Zealand and we won't be seeing again for a really long time, so I wanted to do that too. That's a lot for a hermit.

I tried to rest for the two days before the event, I didn't schedule anything that took any physical effort and I napped a bit. Not to be indelicate, but I also started taking stool softeners that morning to help with the potential food fall out...or lack there of. Then I dressed for the weather, it rained so it wasn't as difficult as it would have been on a really hot day.  The sun did come out though and I used my fancy black and white stripped umbrella with pink ruffles to keep the rain and the sun off, and got a lot of positive comments about my fancy parasol. That parasol is going to be my new best friend.

We finished up the Tap Walk and then went straight over to our friend’s bon voyage dinner, to eat, laugh and have a little wine.  I paced myself with the food and beverages all day to be sure I didn't do anything to extreme.  We had a lovely evening and I was beginning to get tired so we started saying our good byes. We got home about 10:00PM and went straight to bed and sleep like rocks.  Next morning I felt pretty good, no flare, daily body aches were at least at a minimum, digestion is working well enough and I wasn't completely wiped out.  I kept close to home, read books and rested the day after, but I have to say that I'm pretty proud of my first big "flare free" outing. I learned about my body, my disease, and my future.  

 I've just realized that I have to plan in advance and can't be as spontaneous and wild as I would normally have been. Having a success under my belt has helped my general outlook and I think it’s given me a feeling of control in an out of control situation. So there's that, and that's pretty dang good.

Tap Walk Shenanigans

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