Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Tale of the Skunks in the Night

The Tale of the Skunks in the Night - Written this moring at about 3:00AM

So I couldn't sleep (body issues), I get up a few hours ago thinking I'll read in the living room to let Rick rest since he has to get up at 4:00am and get ready for work.  I'm sitting here in my living room, a little grumpy, when I hear some very alarming squeeling noises coming from the yard. I'm REALLY glad I didn't grab a flashlight and run out there, because Rosie the cat and I looked out the living room window, and it was two fighting skunks!!! Yes, with tails raised, scratching, biting, and squeeling....perhaps they were mating...what do I know about skunks? They finished their fighting, or wooing, and one of them must have dropped the "Skunk Bomb" because even with the windows and doors tightly closed...I can still smell it....I'm just happy all of our kitties are safely indoors. It's wild out here....even when we are normally sleeping...

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