Thursday, October 9, 2014

Leave Taking, AKA Circus Clown Dog Hoop Jumping

Leave Taking, AKA Circus Clown Dog Hoop Jumping

Today is the day I finalized the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) leave that I will be on for a while, as I figure out how to manage my health.  It’s a complicated process of calling the leave company who manage these things for my employer, following up with the two doctors who are stating my needs, and my boss to let him know where the process is so he know how to fill out his paperwork. The system works, it’s just a bit cumbersome at times. I feel like the little circus dog in the ruffled collar and clown hat, jumping through brightly colored hoops, and noticing that I’ve jumped through this one once already, but jumping through it again anyway, because the show must go on. I am actually extremely thankful that this hoop jumping is even possible. I didn’t even know it was an option for me.  There is a wonderful HR person who reached out to me and helped me get started on this part of my journey. There is a special place in heaven waiting for her and others like her, who is so helpful, respectful and considerate.

That said, this journey begins.  I’m still job-hunting within the same company, but that process resembles the jumping, circus clown dog, hoop shenanigans as well. But it’s worth it in the long run and I’m very willing to jump.

The part that is more difficult for me is the uncertainty. I’ve always been a planner, I plan for contingencies and fall out, I plan years in advance for things that might not happen, and it’s a thing for me. The thought of not being prepared for the next life-changing event, gives me chills.  You know, like the Zombie Apocalypse, you don’t want to be the one who didn’t plan ahead for the worst. I didn’t plan for Lupus though. However, we did plan for having a stable homestead, growing much of what we need, keeping chickens, working hard, saving a nest egg, and being as self sufficient as possible. So as the future is a little unknown, our home life is good and I have the love and support of a phenomenal man who is very glad to have me home at a decent hour for a change. He’s also glad that I’m cooking and baking while I’m home, the man is a food hound! He also takes me on walks in the evening, once the sun is low enough and encourages me to do what I need to do to be as healthy as I can. I'm blessed.

I now have the time to work in my art studio too.  So I’ve been making costumes and other things, which I put for sale on Etsy.  It doesn’t provide an income, but it covers the cost of my addiction and makes me feel productive.  I love this and will try to do more as this journey continues.  I might even break out the printing press and do some Monoprints, but I’ll have to reorganize the space in there first to make some room, perhaps today.

So, life is good.

Here is the link to my Etsy shop if you want to see what I’m up to:

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